PIER Journals
PhotonIcs and Electromagnetics Research Symposium, also known as Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium
News & Events

PIERS —— A global symposium committed to
advancing photonics and electromagnetics for the benefit of humanity.

PIERS 2024 Chengdu Final Program Notice
View All News 9722 2024-03-20

We are pleased to inform you that the Final Program of PIERS 2024 in Chengdu is available! Click to Visit Now...

Check Your Presentations

Date & Time of each talk/poster has been finalized now. Please do visit this online program and check your talk or poster again.

PIERS Check-In Date & Time

The PIERS technical sessions will begin at 13:00 on Sunday, April 21, 2024. You may come to check in during 13:00–18:30 on Saturday, April 20, 2024, at the registration desks at the Sichuan Jinjiang Hotel. Registration is also available from 8:00 to 18:00 on April 21–25, 2024. If you have pre-registered and paid, your namebadge and symposium program will be ready for you to pick up at the check-in desk during the symposium. Please wear your namebadge throughout the meeting. Access to the coffee break, interactive areas, and technical sessions will be prohibited if a name badge is not visible.

Lunch Reservation

Registration Fee includes admission to all technical sessions, coffee break areas. It does not include any other meals or lodging costs. Buffet lunch and/or lunch box on April 22-25 will be planned on the conference site for the convenience of PIERS onsite participants. Registered and paid onsite participants will have a special fee of RMB 10 / USD 2 for each lunch ticket per day. The reserved number of lunch tickets is limited and on first-come-first-served basis. Please log in PIERS Author Center and book the lunch tickets once your trip is finalized. The lunch booking deadline is 10 April, 2024.

Guidelines for Presenters

The official language for the Symposium is English. Please do visit this Guidelines for Presenters to prepare your onsite presentation files in advance.

Venue & Hotel Reservation

All guests are advised to book as early as possible. The number of rooms reserved by PIERS in the conference venue (Jinjiang Hotel) is very limited. Room availability is on first-come first-serve basis.

Banquet/Reception Reservation

Symposium Reception: Sunday evening, April 21, 2024
On Monday evening, April 21, 2024, all conference participants are invited to a welcome reception at the conference hotel. The tickets are free The tickets are free. If you have not reserved the reception ticket, You don't need to book now. It will be available on PIERS check-in desk.
PIERS Reception将在周日晚上6点半开始,周日6点前来报到的客人都会有一张餐券赠送。如果您未提前预订,不用再来增加预订了。
Symposium Banquet: Wednesday evening, April 24, 2024
On Wednesday evening, April 24, 2024, symposium banquet is planned for PIERS participants and their guests at the conference hotel. The number of banquet tickets is limited. For all participants, the price is USD 60 / RMB 420 per person.
We are very sorry that the banquet ticket is not available now. You can check onsite if there are any tickets available again.



Please be reminded that if your paper is a no-show, its full-length paper will not be included in the final PIERS Proceedings.
To avoid NO SHOW, we highly appreciate that you can inform us in advance if you are not able to fulfill your onsite presentation due to unpredictable circumstances before the program is finalized by March 20. You are encouraged to find a colleague who can onsite present the paper for you.
根据IEEE Xplore论文集发表要求,现场缺席报告的全文将不会被发表在会议论文集中。如果您因为任何不可预测的原因不能参会,请尽量请您的同事/同学代做报告。

PIERS Author Center

To download Invitation letters, PIERS Invoice, PIERS Receipt, and PDF typeset version of your article(s), please log into PIERS Author Center.

Update your PIERS Profile

PIERS provides a free service to create personal research profile in English for global scientists working in photonics and electromagnetics. It is all-in-one page and please join for free now. All presenters are sugguested to log in PIERS Author Center and update your PIERS profile with a personal image in order for the attendees to establish a connection or know you better by clicking your name on the online program.


If there is anything else we can do, please feel free to contact PIERS OFFICE

Contact us

Inquiry about paper submission, registration, and program schedule, please email to:
PIERS OFFICE: office@piers.org and/or piers@emacademy.org

Usually, inquiry to PIERS OFFICE will be replied within 1-2 working days. If you cannot get reply timely, please keep trying both emails, or change another email account to contact us to avoid the unpredictable email correspondence problem between us.
